There are a lot of misconceptions and un-truths about credit cards out there, so we are going to cover a few of them here to try and take some of the mystery and confusion about dealing with Merchant Accounts.


First is the common practice of most Merchant Company’s to give out a single percentage as the amount you will be charged. This is impossible; Visa and Mastercard themselves have over 300 different charge types, depending on the type of credit card. To make this easier merchant companies break it down into a 3 tier pricing structure. We use it and so will other Merchant Companies, even if they don’t tell you about it.  At M&T we disclose all three numbers and how each applies to your account.  (For more information, visit our FAQ)

Many Merchant Companies say they will give you a free machine, but how can they give away a $300+ piece of equipment for free? The answer is simple: they can’t.  In these situations you are going to have a lot of small charges that, fairly quickly, are going to pay for your machine, and then some. They will also hide fine print on their contracts stating that the machine must be returned to them when the account is closed and will charge you exorbitant fees if the machine is not in what they consider to be “good condition”  which equates to perfect shape. WATCH OUT FOR THIS!! At M&T you own your equipment, even after the account is closed.

Many companies claim they can take any business, only to turn them away after charging them a non-refundable application fee. At M&T we can truly take any business, from Restaurants and Bars to Business Opportunities and Travel Clubs, and you will never be charged an application fee.

Many companies claim to be giving away cutting edge technology only to shackle you with old equipment with the expensive option to upgrade, at M&T we only carry the newest technology from Veriphone, Magtek and others to ensure the highest level of security, speed, and ease of use.

Often times you will see a Merchant Service provider bragging about the quality of their customer service, but when you call, you are forced into using a confusing and circuitous system then ends with an untrained rep giving you false or misleading information. At M&T we have a group of highly trained customer service and technical support representatives, and you will NEVER have to use an automated system, every call is answered by a live agent during normal business hours.

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